碑隠 昭和四十九年三月建立 田辺町文化財保護委員会 明治時代には各村に近い木津川岸に浜の問屋があり、これに荷物を頼んでおけば、定額運賃で船に積んで目的地に届けてくれた。鉄道開通までは伏見・大阪方面への唯一の物資輸送路であった。帆掛け船が定期的に上り下りして、木津川水運は盛況をみせた。
Harbor trace of Tanabe
"There were many wholesalers at the banks of Kizu river near every village in Meiji era. If left a baggage with them, they deliver it to the destination by ship at fixed sum freight. It had been sole transport system to Fushimi and Osaka area before the train opened. Sailboat went ups and downs regularly. Water transportation of Kizu river flourished."