創建年月など不詳だが、かつて神功皇后(じんぐうこうごう)が三韓遠征の際、神社背後の山に酒壺を三個安置して出立、帰国後その霊験に感謝して建てられたとも。本殿は明治9(1876)年の再建で一間社流造り、屋根に特徴があり、千鳥破風(ちどりはふ)と軒唐破風(のきからはふ)を配した姿は山城地域では県(あがた)神社(宇治市)本殿など、限られたところにしか見られない。 神功皇后が朝鮮より持ち帰った“九山八海の石”が今もここにあるという。 また、河内国の酒造りを業とする中臣酒屋連(なかとみのさかやのむらじ)の一族が来往して、酒造りを伝え、祖神を祭ったものともいわれる。 佐牙神社とともに酒造りに縁のある神社である。祭神は、津速魂神(つはやむすびのかみ)と応神天皇。 近くには興戸の大池があり、初夏の青葉、秋の紅葉と季節によって様々な美しい姿を見せてくれる。
Sakaya Shrine
"It is unclear when this shrine was built, but it is said that the Jinguu Empress (170-269) installed three sake barrels on the mountain behind the shrine before departing on an expedition to the Korean peninsula, and constructed the shrine upon safe return as a display of gratitude. The grounds are extensive and according to the Yamashiro Tsuzuki Gunshi record, the Shinto priests that served here worshiped the deity Iwainushi-no-Kami. The main hall was rebuilt in the 9th year of Meiji (1876). There are two pillars and the roof is special because it is the only shrine in Yamashiro with both a plover gable (chidori hafu) and a Chinese gable (nokikara hafu). It is said that the Kusen hakkai no ishi (stones representing the nine mountains and eight seas that form the centre of the Buddhist view of the world) that the Empress brought back are still here. In addition, it is said that members of the Nakatomi sake brewing family taught sake brewing and worshiped their ancestral gods here. In Kyotanabe City, both this shrine and Saga Shrine have ties to sake brewing. The deities enshrined here are the god Tsuhayamusubi-no-kami and the Oujin Emperor (201-310). There is a large lake nearby, and the beauty of this shrine transforms with the seasons, surrounded by verdant green leaves in summer and colored leaves in autumn."