戦国時代に近江の国佐々木六角氏の13代当主佐々木義賢の家臣であったが、主君佐々木氏が織田信長に敗れたあと、この大住の地に帰農し、享保17年(1732年)から曇華院所領地の代官を務めた家柄である。 入母屋造(いりもやづくり)で茅葺(かやぶき)をL字型に組み合わせた屋根で、一般の農家とは異なる役宅風の住宅である。重要文化財。 平成19(2007)年解体修理完成。平成16年の台風23号で、倒木被害に遭った天橋立の松材を、大梁など各所に19本使用している。澤井家を普請した大工棟梁が、八幡市の“流れ橋”の近くに享保19(1734)年に「伊佐家」の屋敷を普請している。
The Sawai Family Residence
"This mansion is thought to have been built in the first year of the Kanpou era (1741) because of an inscription in ink on the ceiling. The Sawai family were retainers of the Oumigenji-Sasaki family, but they took up farming again here and became the prefectural governors (daikan) of the Donge'in territory from the 17th year of (1732) on. The gabled grass-thatched roof is made up of L shapes and is rare among farm houses, resembling the residence of a government official. The mansion boasts three entrances: a grand dirt-floor entrance hall (doma) with thick beams, another through the living room in the northern wing, and one into a tatami room (zashiki) in the design of a sukiya tea-room on the eastern side. The house itself and the Fushingansho (collection of applications for construction) preserved here are designated important cultural assets. Preservation and repair work was completed in 2007; the main beam in the doma roof is a pine from Amanohashidate that was damaged by typhoon 23 (""Tokage"") in 2004. Since November, 2007, the residence has been open to visitors on the second and fourth Saturday and Sunday of every month, from 10am to 4pm (closing time 5pm)."