打田の地名伝説 打田は、もともと「内田」であったといわれているが、これは、中世に長岡家の家老である内田外記がこの地に居住したことに由来すると思われる。また、古い文献には内田山城や内田城といった名称が登場することから、中世にはこの地に出城があったものと考えられている。
The Village of Utta
"The original implication from the Kanji ""Uchi-da"" which means ""striking/rice fields"" is said to have been ""inward of rice fields,"" so its Kanji form have also been different from that of today. This is probably derived from the fact that Uchida (the latter form) Geki, a chief retainer of the Nagaoka, stayed in this region during medieval times. The castle as the fortress was probably built there at that time."